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Plastic free travel essentials: green tips for an eco-friendly adventure

Couple Sitting Outside Of Their Van Drinking From A Reusable Water Bottle

Believe it or not, there was a time when we lived happily without plastic. The single-use plastic bag was invented in the mid-1960s, and before that, we used sustainable materials like cardboard, paper, and glass. Today, plastic pollution is a major environmental challenge, with 350 million tonnes discarded each year. To combat this, Plastic Free July encourages reducing single-use plastic consumption for the entire month. Since 2011, this global movement has inspired millions to adopt sustainable habits. Here are some tips to help you get started on your Plastic Free July journey in your daily routine and whilst on the road:

Bring your own bag

Beach Picknic Featuring A Reusable Roadsurfer Totebag

Using reusable tote bags instead of plastic ones can significantly reduce your plastic waste. Although it may seem like a small step, a single plastic bag can take up to 100 years to decompose. Tote bags, made from sturdier materials, also prevent your groceries from splitting the bag.

Refill when you refuel

Couple Laughing While Sitting Outside Of Campervan Drinking Water

Investing in refillable water bottles and coffee mugs is one of the simplest ways to reduce plastic waste. Many cafes and restaurants also offer discounts for customers who bring reusable cups, helping you save money and the planet. You can also use an app like Refill that connects you to places to eat and drink that support drink refills and promote less waste.

Plastic-free toiletries

Eco Friendly Bathroom Products On A Blanket

Try switching from traditional liquid haircare to natural shampoo and conditioner bars, such as those from Friendly Soap. These natural haircare bars are free from harsh chemicals and are packaged in recycled card. They also last longer than liquid alternatives and eliminate the need for plastic bottles. Another great way to reduce waste is to use sustainable mini travel essentials, such as bamboo toothbrushes and razors. Not only are these great for the environment, but they save space in your luggage helping you travel light.

Recycle and reuse

A Picnic Set Up In Front Of A Church

As you embark on your plastic-free road trip, remember not to throw away all your existing plastic items. Take a moment to consider those plastic water bottles and containers you might have lying around. Giving them another go can significantly reduce waste and ease your transition to a plastic-free lifestyle. And if you do need to bid farewell to a plastic item, be sure to recycle it responsibly.

Eco food storage

A Couple Eating Breakfast Outside Of Their Camper Van

Replace cling film and plastic containers with reusable plant-based wraps or repurposed mason jars for food storage. This not only reduces plastic waste but is also a great way to reuse old jars and containers that might otherwise be discarded.

Eco-friendly dishwashing

Eco Friendly Dish Washing Products

Switch to a natural solid washing-up bar instead of traditional liquid detergent. These sustainable dishwashing bars are often packaged without plastic, take up less space, and last longer, making them ideal for travel.


A Woman In A Towel Brushing Her Teeth Sitting In Her Campervan

Lastly, remember that transitioning to a plastic-free lifestyle can feel overwhelming at first, but don’t worry—start small and gradually add more sustainable practices to your daily routine and your camping holidays. Every small step you take helps create a healthier and greener planet. Together, we can make a difference!

By adopting these Plastic Free July tips and learning how to go plastic-free, you’ll not only make a positive impact during the month but also develop habits that can benefit the environment all year round. Every small step you take helps create a healthier and greener planet for us all. Together, we can make a difference!